Tanzania Currency

Tanzania Shilling - Tanzania Currency

Local currency is the Tanzanian shilling, currently exchanged at 1 euro = 2,700 shillings / 1 dollar = 2,300 shillings (November 2020).

Dollars and euros can both be used to purchase shillings from banks and bureaux de change, while dollars are accepted in all the lodges (many show their rates in US dollars).

The euro is often accepted but it will be exchanged slightly lower than the official rate, so it is a good idea to have some shillings for small expenses.

US dollars issued before 2009 are not accepted for visa payment and are difficult to change, with the rate less favourable than that applied to the newer notes, so it is best to have dollars issued after 2009.

Credit cards can be used in international hotels and lodges, but a commission is charged. Cashpoints can also be found in major cities now.

We recommend you bring cash.