Kilimanjaro Climb


Kilimanjaro mt. the Africa Peak TanzaniaThe roof of Africa with its eternal ice-capped peak, at 5895 meters above sea level, rises majestically from the surrounding plain and is one of the icons of Tanzania. The climb to the Kilimanjaro is a challenge for many travelers in Africa.

With the help of expert guides and porters it is possible to safely reach the highest peak on the continent. It’s not a “technical” climb, you don’t have to be an expert climber. The greatest difficulty is represented by the rarefaction of oxygen that can give rise to the so-called “altitude sickness” once the threshold of 3500 meters of altitude is exceeded.

There are 7 different ways to reach the summit of Africa: Marangu, Machame, Lemosho, Shira, Rongai, Northern Circuit and Umbwe.

The Marangu route is the only one served by overnight shelters and this has made it over the years the most popular and also the busiest.

Along all the other routes, overnight stays are provided by a mobile campsite set up by our staff.

One way that we really like is the Machame, very scenic, which offers a significant advantage: on the 4th day it reaches a height of 4630, to go down about 700 meters for an overnight stay, an aspect that facilitates acclimatization.