Tanzania is quite an extensive country. Many itineraries are possible, varying in content and duration, and choice will depend on the interests, tastes and time the visitor wants to devote to the trip. We offer you all our experience and knowledge of the country to help you plan the best safari for you. Just to give you an idea, we usually split safari circuits into two areas, the Northern Circuit (tailor made safaris with private car and Guide; and for the Great Migration: small group safaris of max 6 participants) and the Southern Circuit.


Mt. Kilimanjaro: the climb to the Kilimanjaro is a challenge for many travelers in Africa. With the help of expert guides and porters it is possible to safely reach the highest peak on the continent.

Serengeti sunset, Tanzania Northern circuit safari

It includes the world famous SerengetiLake ManyaraTarangire and the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, the latter with the Ngorongoro Crater, the Crater Highlands 

Boat safari Nyerere/Selous, Safari Southern Parks Tanzania

The protected areas of southern Tanzania are beautiful, wild and receive a lower number of visitors compared to the more famous and “popular” northern parks. The roads …

Mt. Kilimanjaro Tanzania, Safari Crew

Mt. Kilimanjaro with its eternal ice-capped peak, at 5895 meters above sea level, rises majestically from the surrounding plain and is one of the icons of Tanzania …


Gli imponenti vulcani al confine tra Rwanda, Uganda e Congo RDC sono la patria degli ultimi Gorilla di Montagna (gorilla gorilla berengei), le più grandi scimmie…

Tanzania beach, Tanzania holidays

Many visitors choose to combine a safari in Tanzania with a beach stay on the islands of  Zanzibar and Mafia or on the mainland coast, at PembaPangani or Kilwa